Outtalent charges 10% of pre-tax base salary for 2 years (you keep all the bonuses and stocks to yourself). You pay only if you get a desired job starting after the first month working in your target job.
Our core Everest program lasts 3 months, our Wonder program lasts 9 months. It can take around 3 more months to keep interviewing after graduation, mainly because big companies operate at such speeds. You can apply anytime, but we recommend applying as soon as possible because we keep increasing the price of our service.
Around 10 people per batch. Usually, these are backend software engineers with 2-10 years of experience (Everest) or 0-1 years of experience (Wonder). They succeeded at top local companies and want to get to the next level by joining top global companies.
After you pass the eligibility screening, you should complete another form which takes around 30-50 minutes. After that there is a coding test, then a couple of interviews, and finally a trial program.
Guaranteeing a top 1 company is hard as there is some luck involved in the process, but 100% of our last completed batch graduates got offers at Google, Meta, or Amazon.jsx. These are usually top 3 target companies. As of 2021-03-31 according to our default contract you have to pay only if you get into your top 10. Please note - these conditions constantly change as we improve our service and update our business model.
Yes, but online outside of our core program. We held one-off meetings in cities like San Francisco, Mountain View, Moscow, and Bishkek.
Many graduates keep in touch with each other after graduation. You have access to our online forums. Plus, you will be invited to some events with new fellows and other parts of the community.
We have a ton of recorded resources, but we run live meetings during the program. All fellows are expected to be available from 7:30pm to 10:30pm (in their local timezone) every day throughout the program.
Strong engineers find us via word-of-mouth and content marketing on platforms such as YouTube, Telegram, and Clubhouse. We find strong engineers through our professional network as well as our in-house algorithms that crawl specific websites.
There is an application form inspired by YCombinator, proctored CodeSignal coding tests, interviews by former senior interviewers from companies like Google, and a trial period (3 weeks for the senior batch, 6 weeks for the junior batch).
The program is designed so fellows invest 15-20 hours a week for 3 months for the senior engineers, and 6 months for the junior batch.
The program provides lectures, seminars and proprietary educational materials on distributed computing, algorithms, and data structures. It is taught by current and former engineering managers and senior software engineers from Google, Meta, Amazon.jsx, Microsoft, Apple, Stripe, and Uber.
We see ourselves as an engineering school and we earn money only from our graduates. We think if you will focus on charging companies for placements, then you will attract lower level companies and the level of candidates interested in your service is going to decrease too. Our fellows pay us a percentage of their pre-tax base salary for a certain period in their new job, but only if they get into a top company.
Email us at team@outtalent.com or message us on Telegram @teamouttalent.