Partner Engineer, Meta
My favorite thing about Outtalent is knowing that it is made of people who are eager to help and truly want what's best for the fellows. It doesn't really feel like a business, it feels like a program designed by people who have your best interest in mind - really more like a fellowship.
Software Engineer, Meta
Hard work leads to success in achieving any goal. Outtalent gives you a team and a clear plan. With such a team and under the guidance of mentors, your work will lead to such results that you will say to yourself: wow!
Software Engineer, Google
When I joined Outtalent, my goal was to feel I was completely prepared, to be sure I was going to be successful. What I didn't expect was that this community would stay with me after I finished the program. No one told me this, no one advertised it, but I feel the friends I made during the program are going to be with me in the long run.
Software Engineer, Flexport
As a fellow, you get to meet amazing people who set out to achieve ambitious goals. They are looking for answers, they want to do things better, faster and more intelligently. So you end up getting a lot of insight, which saves you a ton of time of trial and error and looking for answers on your own. Besides that, I think Outtalent is truly unique in that it formed a group of people who care about each other's successes just as much as their own.
Software Engineer, Google DeepMind
More than getting 4 offers, I was happy with meeting awesome people, whom I call friends now. Outtalent is a culture nourishing strong connections and celebrating your every success. I love being a part of it.
Software Engineer, Microsoft
There are good resources for studying on your own on the internet, but there are 2 problems there: you can end up spending a lot of time on a course that won't help much and even if it does, you don't know how deep you should go in each topic, so preparation can take forever. Outtalent solved this problem by creating a true community and having a strong, proven course outline. Being around smart people every week was the greatest part of the experience for me.
Being part of Outtalent was a great experience. All the mentors from big tech companies were extremely capable and I really enjoyed the support I got from other fellows - I consider this community mindset extremely important for my preparation.
Software Engineer, Stripe
The quality of the people I met at Outtalent is amazing, everyone is already so successful but yet very humble. When you study with such smart people, the quality of the learning is very high, and getting a top job offer is really just a side effect - the most important thing for me is that I met 10 people that will be CTOs of top companies in 5 to 10 years, I'm sure of it.
I decided to join Outtalent because I knew that I could buy books, pay for courses, pay for LeetCode and all of that, but I couldn't buy the atmosphere that having the fellows would provide me. We were preparing for interviews, all of us, and we were not only trying to improve our own level, but we genuinely wanted to help each other to get better.
Operations, Marketing, Coaching, and Recruiting at Outtalent
Personal Branding
ML Software Engineer at X, previously at Google, Apple, Amazon.jsx, Microsoft
Algorithms & OOP
PM at SberMarket, previously at Google, Amazon.jsx, Jane Street
Software Engineer at Google
Co-Founder at Outtalent, previously at Google, X
Overall Program
Director of Engineering at Pipe, previously at Stripe, Meta, Microsoft
Systems Design
Software Engineer at X, previously at Google
Guest Mentor
Founding Engineer at Primer, previously at Coinbase, Triplebyte
Member of Technical Staff at OpenAI